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🪄 How to force an occurrence to be sold out

There are some cases where, in the context of a recurring event, you need a specific occurrence to show up as sold out. At the moment is not possible to override the status of an occurrence (no worries, we are planning numerous improvements about overrides) but you can work around this problem in the meantime.


This page assumes you know how to create and apply an override to one or more of your event occurrences.

The workaround

To achieve your goal you need to:

  • override the max capacity so that there will be no available ticket;
  • apply the override to the desired occurrence.

Step 1

Setup the override so that the max capacity is equal to zero.


Step 2

Apply the override.


Step 3

Double check your event page to make sure the ticket type can't be purchased.

Event page


Slot selection
